Wednesday, 13 February 2019

"3 Cannabinoids In Clinical Practice"

Acording to the study,"Cannabis has a potential for clinical use often obscured by unreliable and purely anecdotal reports".

The most important natural cannabinoid is the psychoactive Tetrahydrocannabinol (A 9 -THC),Cannabidiol (CBD) and Cannabigerol (CBG). Not all the observed effects can be ascribed to THC, and the other constituents may also modulate its action. For example CBD reduces anxiety induced by THC. A standardised extract of the herb may be therefore be more beneficial in practice and clinical trial protocols have been drawn up to assess this. 
The mechanism of action is still not fully understood, although can- nabinoid receptors have been cloned and natural ligands identified. 

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Medical Marijuana Faces Acceptance Barrier by Hesitant Medical Schools

A new study shows a growing interest by university pharmacy programs in teaching about medical marijuana in their curriculum, while medical schools seem to lag behind. 62% of US pharmacy school respondents queried in a new survey said they included medical marijuana in their doctorate of pharmacy curriculum.
That’s according to a nine-page study co-authored by faculty from the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, which appeared in the January 2019 issue of the journal Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. The results point to the growing role of marijuana as a therapeutic treatment.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

The Global Hemp Marketplace

Farm Bill 2018 special reports that "Roughly 30 countries in Asia, Europe, and North and South America already allow hemp cultivation".

The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organiszation, which tracks global farming, reports that "Global acreage in hemp cultivation in 2016—the most recent year available—was 192,000 acres. The U.N. estimated total hemp production in 2016 at 355 million pounds".
But those numbers are incomplete.Not all nations report hemp acreage to the U.N. 

 Among the producers left out of the U.N.’s hemp count: 
• Canada, where industry groups say about 138,000 acres of hemp were planted in 2018.
• Uruguay, where 2,471 acres of hemp were licensed in 2018.
• Colombia, where acreage counts are not available. With those exceptions, global acreage in hemp cultivation in 2016 was 192,000 acres, with total production of 355 million pounds. Leading hemp producers are:
• *European Union
• China
• South Korea
• Russia
(*Most production takes place in France, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Romania.) Many of the Latin American countries that have been developing cannabis legislation have been cautious to allow cultivation and started with restrictive, import-only programs of CBD products—which opens the door for new hemp producers to enter the market.
These include:
• Brazil
• Argentina
• Paraguay
• Mexico
But legislation is evolving rapidly, and only Brazil has no plans in place to eventually allow cultivation.

Global investment 

The Farm Bill is certain to trigger a global shift in cannabis investing. That’s because U.S.-based hemp companies now have full access to the largest and most prestigious exchanges, Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange. Will Wall Street create hemp giants that will leverage their capital and competitive edge overseas? According to Preston Gardner, an analyst with CVC Partners, U.S. hemp investors should expect:
• Significant M&A activity.
• Hemp activity in the agricultural, pharmaceutical and technology industries.
• American hemp companies seeking a global edge through quality control. 

The last point could be the best way for U.S. hemp entrepreneurs to compete against larger hemp producers around the globe. “Our cost to cultivate is going to be greater compared with international competitors,” Gardner said. He believes American hemp producers will tout “a quality differentiation factor,” particularly their expertise cultivating high-CBD cultivars. 

Instituting quality considerations, such as Good Manufacturing Practice and standard operating procedures, will be key for American hemp to find markets overseas. 
For Free download the Farm Bill 2018 Special Report :

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

World Health Organization Recommends Reclassifying Marijuana Under International Treaties

Global health experts at the United Nations are recommending that marijuana and its key components be formally rescheduled under international drug treaties.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for whole-plant marijuana, as well as cannabis resin, to be removed from Schedule IV—the most restrictive category of a 1961 drug convention signed by countries from around the world.

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Cannabis Oil In Israeli Autism Study Has 90% Success Rate!

Israeli medical cannabis firm, Tikun Olam, has completed autism clinical trial with CBD-rich Avidekel cannabis oil. The results are very hopeful for autism patients.

Media images of sick children taking cannabis oil brought medical cannabis to the mainstream. Often, the most extreme cases made the biggest impacts—Charlotte FigiAlyssa ErwinHaleigh Cox. While most families will never endure the trials of caring for a child with Dravet syndrome, brain cancer, or cerebral palsy, one condition could hit close to home: autism. Fortunately, the Avidekel chemovar by Tikun Olam is proven effective in treating symptoms of autism in recent clinical trial.