Healthcare providers play a critical role in facilitating patient access to medical cannabis.
However, previous surveys suggest only a minority of providers believe that medical cannabis confers benefits to patients.
Significant new knowledge about the potential benefits and harms of medical cannabis has recently emerged. Understanding current attitudes and beliefs of providers may provide
However, previous surveys suggest only a minority of providers believe that medical cannabis confers benefits to patients.
Significant new knowledge about the potential benefits and harms of medical cannabis has recently emerged. Understanding current attitudes and beliefs of providers may provide
insight into the ongoing challenges they face as states expand access to medical cannabis.
The survey
This study was funded by the Mayo Clinic and the resercers conducted an electronic survey of primary care providers in a large Minnesota-based healthcare system between January 23 and February 5, 2018 published online in January 22,2019.
They obtained information about providers characteristics,attitudes and beliefs about medical cannabis, the provider comfort level in answering patient questions about medical cannabis, and whether providers were interested in receiving additional education.