Monday 6 March 2023

CBD & Yoga "A Perfect Combination"

Yoga’s mind-body-spirit connection makes it popular for men and women of all ages. It teaches us to become more present with our bodies and breathing while enhancing our physical health.
But have you ever been in the middle of a yoga class and wondered why you can’t silence your thoughts???

CBD and practicing yoga together is not a new idea. In fact, the ancient Indian sacred texts of the Vedas count cannabis as one of the 5 sacred plants.
It seems like a natural fit – because the benefits of practicing Yoga and taking CBD separately are very similar – reduced stress, lower inflammation, and increased feelings of wellbeing and when taken together, they uniquely complement each other.
Yoga has been seeing an increase in popularity for many decades now, and cannabidiol is swiftly catching up. With virtually no side effects and excellent synergy, combining the two could be what you need to take your daily exercise routine to the next level of wellness.

Why combine CBD with yoga?

Combining these two wellness methods is vital. CBD acts in a fast and efficient way on our pain receptors, without the risk of physical and mental exertion. This works in conjunction with the mindfulness and physical exercise that yoga offers. Practitioners would introduce themselves to a more holistic approach to daily mental and physical wellness.

In fact, CBD and yoga can help put our systems at ease, moving them from “fight or flight” response, which is the norm for moments of anxiety, to state of “rest or digest”. When working in conjunction, yoga and CBD are also more effective in the treatment of everyday physical problems like inflammation and joint issues.
How Does CBD Work?
CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive effects. Instead, it helps your body maintain homeostasis (or balance) through your endocannabinoid system (ECS). There are Endocannabinoid receptors in every organ of your body, and CBD helps that system maintain many vital functions.3
It contributes to the health of systems as vastly different as your heart, your skin, your brain, and overall inflammation. Here are some of the ways it can help with your yoga practice specifically.
Benefits In Relaxation,Stress Reduction & Anxiety!!! 
CBD has been shown to reduce anxiety and help you clear your mind to have the kind of yoga practice you WANT to have (zen!). It does this by working with the ECS in your brain which regulates your mood and reduces erratic signals that lead to random thoughts and anxiety.
The overall effect is a gently relaxing and calming effect – and best of all, relief from overthinking. You will not feel “high” or euphoric, but you will feel that there is just more space inside of your head to relax.
Since yoga has also been shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, working with these two practices combined together could be a proven way to eliminate stress from your life like nothing else!
In addition to relieving stress and helping you to relax into your practice, CBD might also allow you to feel MORE pleasant sensations in your body and mind. Here’s how.
Improve Your Mood Even More With CBD & Yoga!
Every yogi knows the amazing feeling you get after a great yoga class! When it comes to improving your mood, CBD is no slouch either.
It has been shown to work wonders with the serotonin system in your brain and could help improve your mood beyond just relieving anxiety.
It works by acting as a 5HT1A activator. 5HT1A helps your brain transmit more serotonin and glutamate signals. Serotonin helps you feel good and is largely associated with being in a good mood.
And glutamate helps your brain to branch out and create new neurons, which has also been linked to reduced stress and improved mood.
CBD also helps you feel blissful – scientifically! Anandamide has been called the “Bliss Molecule” – it is naturally produced by your body and leads to states of heightened happiness, as well as the memory, motivation, higher thought processes, and movement control.
Say Goodbye To Aches And Pains!!!
CBD is a potent anti-inflammatory that works on your whole body. Just like other anti-inflammatories, it relieves pain by desensitizing it at the site of the nerve receptor.
The added benefit is that CBD doesn’t have the same “foggy” effect that many painkillers have – instead you will feel completely clear and able to focus.10
It can relieve your pain to the point that you are able to fully enjoy a yoga practice when you have not been able to in quite a while. You could experience a new freedom of movement in your muscles or joints, as those nagging aches and pains fade away.
But unlike painkillers, it doesn’t simply mask the pain: it also works in your ECS to reduce inflammation throughout your body, and therefore it can also be very effective at preventing joint injuries during your yoga practice and even helping you recover from old injuries by healing them.
The end result? Freedom of movement and the ability to fully enjoy the relaxation and rejuvenation of an awesome yoga practice.
So Which Kind Of Yoga Is Best???
Like yoga, hemp CBD extract promotes homeostasis in the body. The entourage of cannabinoids, terpenes, phytonutrients, and antioxidants contained in full-spectrum CBD work together to bring a sense of balance to the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

There are a variety of ways to incorporate your daily serving of CBD into the yoga routine that fits best into your life.

1. Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is a general term that often describes a basic, breathing- and stretching-centric yoga practice. Hatha classes are often foundational in nature, and easily accessible to yogis at every level.

Incorporate Hemp CBD extract Tinctures into your Hatha yoga routine by taking a few drops under your tongue before class. Our Natural flavor is earthy and reminiscent of our bodies’ connection to nature. Or, have a few drops of Cinnamint for an enhanced flavor experience before you hit the mat.

2. Kundalini Yoga

If you want to enhance your yoga practice with focused, intense breathwork, Kundalini yoga may be a great complement to your fitness routine. Kundalini yoga sequences, or kriyas, center your focus on how specific breathing patterns affect your body as you move through the poses.

CBD capsules could be the perfect complement to your Kundalini yoga routine. Discreet and free of flavor, capsules provide a serving of CBD that won’t move your focus away from Kundalini’s demanding breath work.

3. Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga is a powerful, advanced yoga practice for those who want a challenging workout. Athletes and advanced yogis will appreciate the structured sequences and sustained length of Ashtanga sessions.

After Ashtanga, massage CBD Hemp Balm into your muscles to reinvigorate yourself post-workout. Hemp CBD extract is a great addition to your recovery routine, whether topical, sublingual, or ingested.

4. Hot Yoga

Hot yoga is a heated workout—literally—that involves a yoga flow in a humid, heated room (95-100 degrees). Hot yoga promotes profuse sweating, fat burning, and heightened flexibility.
Just like any high-intensity exercise, hot yoga requires you to drink plenty of water to replace fluids lost through sweating. Add a few pumps of Hemp CBD Extract  to your water or juice and drink up to avoid dehydration—and get a nice serving of CBD in the process.
Yoga has been seeing an increase in popularity for many decades now, and cannabidiol is swiftly catching up. With virtually no side effects and excellent synergy, combining the two could be what you need to take your daily exercise routine to the next level of wellness.
So... have you incorporated CBD into your yoga routine yet? If no, take your favorite CBD product, and fit it into your daily yoga practice!!!

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