Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts

Monday 6 March 2023

CBD & Yoga "A Perfect Combination"

Yoga’s mind-body-spirit connection makes it popular for men and women of all ages. It teaches us to become more present with our bodies and breathing while enhancing our physical health.
But have you ever been in the middle of a yoga class and wondered why you can’t silence your thoughts???

CBD and practicing yoga together is not a new idea. In fact, the ancient Indian sacred texts of the Vedas count cannabis as one of the 5 sacred plants.
It seems like a natural fit – because the benefits of practicing Yoga and taking CBD separately are very similar – reduced stress, lower inflammation, and increased feelings of wellbeing and when taken together, they uniquely complement each other.
Yoga has been seeing an increase in popularity for many decades now, and cannabidiol is swiftly catching up. With virtually no side effects and excellent synergy, combining the two could be what you need to take your daily exercise routine to the next level of wellness.

Monday 13 September 2021


Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για CANNABIS SPIRITUALITY:
The stoner stereotype is a familiar one that transcends cultures...
But as legalization allows cannabis to be discussed maturely, that trope seems like a dying remnant of the decades-long smear campaign against a plant that can truly impact our lives, culture, and economy in a positive way. 

With the relaxation of Cannabis stigma, people can explore a path of spirituality, studying the plant’s use as a tool for inner exploration and enlightenment.
Much like any other psychedelic substance, cannabis can be abused and consumed without respect to its potency, power, or healing potential. Certainly, there’s no harm in using it as a tool to relax and decompress from life’s daily stresses, but some might argue there’s a point of diminishing return when consuming copious amounts without setting the right intention.
And for religions that consider the plant sacred, this is typically their view on the use of cannabis — using it heedlessly is considered a sin or frowned upon, while using it for enlightenment or spirituality is accepted, and in some cases, encouraged.