Thursday, 26 March 2020

"Should You Use Cannabis to Prevent Illnesses"???

Did you know that we could target in the ECS to prevent illness and maintain better health?
Our bodies consist of many unique physiologic systems whose sole purpose is to maintain an internal balance called homeostasis. 

We know the pancreas releases insulin to balance glucose levels between the bloodstream and cells. The thyroid gland releases thyroid hormone, which regulates vital bodily functions related to metabolism, body temperature and much more. Acctually our bodies are working constantly to stay balanced in response to our external environment.

The "Endocannabinoid System" (ECS)...

In the quest to understand how THC causes its intoxicating effects, scientists discovered that we have yet another regulatory physiologic system, called "Endocannabinoid System" (ECS) whose role is to maintain bodily homeostasis & biological harmony. Acctualy the ECS  is the most widespread receptor system in the human body and has been described as being protective and necessary for life.