Wednesday, 3 April 2019

"Can Medical Marijuana Help Transplant Patients"???

Certain conditions can result in the need for the patient to receive an organ transplant. When you need a transplant, you have to consider your eligibility, existing health issues, and recovery. Since some doctors consider medical marijuana a controversial topic, how does your patient status impact your experience? We can help you understand what to expect as a transplant patient who takes cannabis medicine.

Is Medical Marijuana Safe for Transplant Patients?

When you have an organ transplant, your doctor will give you immunosuppressants. As their name implies, these drugs suppress your immune system to increase your body’s chance of accepting the new organ. Your immune system attacks foreign objects, including organs that don’t belong to your body. If you have regular immune function, it will damage your new organ’s tissue. The immunosuppressants block its ability to attack the new organ so you can keep it in your body.

Monday, 1 April 2019

"Study Discover The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids"

In March 2016, the Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (the National Academies) was asked to convene a committee of experts to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature regarding the health effects of using cannabis and/or its constituents that had appeared since the publication of the 1999 IOM report Marijuana and Medicine

-The resulting Committee on the Health Effects of Marijuana consisted of 16 experts in the areas of marijuana, addiction, oncology, cardiology, neurodevelopment, respiratory disease, pediatric and adolescent health, immunology, toxicology, preclinical research, epidemiology, systematic review, and public health.

Given the large scientific literature on cannabis, the breadth of the statement of task, and the time constraints of the study, the committee developed an approach that resulted in giving primacy to recently published systematic reviews (since 2011) and high-quality primary research for 11 groups of health endpoints. For each health endpoint, systematic reviews were identified and assessed for quality using published criteria. Only fair- and good-quality reviews were considered by the committee. 

Sunday, 31 March 2019

"A Survey of The Attitudes, Beliefs and Knowledge About Medical Cannabis Among Primary Care Providers"

Healthcare providers play a critical role in facilitating patient access to medical cannabis. 
However, previous surveys suggest only a minority of providers believe that medical cannabis confers benefits to patients. 

Significant new knowledge about the potential benefits and harms of medical cannabis has recently emerged. Understanding current attitudes and beliefs of providers may provide 
insight into the ongoing challenges they face as states expand access to medical cannabis.
The survey
This study was funded by the Mayo Clinic and the resercers conducted an electronic survey of primary care providers in a large Minnesota-based healthcare system between January 23 and February 5, 2018 published online in January 22,2019.
They obtained information about providers characteristics,attitudes and beliefs about medical cannabis, the provider comfort level in answering patient questions about medical cannabis, and whether providers were interested in receiving additional education.

Friday, 29 March 2019

"Study Appears the Bennefits of CBD To Healthy Volunteers & Epileptic Patients"

Anecdotal reports on the antiepileptic properties of marihuana (Cannabis sativa) are known since ancient times. Rosenthal in 1971 mentioned medieval Arab manuscripts in which cannabis is describedas a treatment for epilepsy, as diuretic, anti-emetic, anti-epileptic, antiinflammatory, painkilling and antipyretic properties, among others. During the 19th century several medical reports were published on the ameliorative effects of cannabis extracts on several forms of convulsions.

In spite of promising results and its low toxicity,the use of cannabis preparations for medical purposes progressively decreased.  This was due to the absence of standardized preparations, the unknown chemical composition, and the psychotropic secondary effects produced by cannabis. 

This study supported from the US National Institutes of Mental Health and published on

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

"About CBD Oil..."

With all the talk of Medical Marijuana and it’s many benefits, and  legalizing or decriminalizing Marijuana use both medically and for private use, it’s a wonder that CBD oil is still in its infancy.

A lot of people would never think about taking CBD oil. Others simply they just stay away from “dangerous” things like CBD. In fact, less than 5% of the public actually knows that there are very potent forms of CBD Oil derived from the hemp plant that have an incredible impact on human health and are legally available. Bottom line, is that the most of these reasons stem from lack of knowledge concerning CBD oil.

CBD Oil from the hemp plant will be the king of the Hemp and Cannabis world very soon, and it looks like we are all going to be a lot healthier because of it.

CBD Oil should be part of everyone’s daily health regimen!

CBD Oil also proving to be the ultimate “anti-disease” supplement that can boost the immune system and human endocannabinoid system… helping to promote better health and fend off disease and illnesses. There are a ton of scientific studies which have been performed on CBD, and a lot of them have specific results you will appreciate. 

So,when you think about CBD in a botanical sense, and you understand how your body reacts positively to something Mother Nature made, the decision becomes an easy one to make. CBD can be an effective wellness option for your body. Many health minded people are adding CBD Oil to their daily routine and reporting great benefits from doing so.