Monday, 11 October 2021

"Neuroprotective Effects Of Cannabis" by Sensi Seed

Following on from our recent article on the relationship between cannabis use and stroke, we now investigate the role of cannabinoids in mitigating brain damage caused by traumatic brain injury and ischemic stroke. There is mounting evidence to suggest that their various properties have great therapeutic potential.

-Antioxidative & anti-inflammatory properties

In recent years the evidence for the antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties of various cannabinoids has become well-established, and our understanding of the role they play in modulating neurotransmission too has grown. Thus, serious consideration is now being given to their potential as neuroprotective agents. Cannabinoids have been shown to prevent neuronal death in acute neuronal injury, including Ischemic Stroke (IS) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), as well as provide symptomatic relief in Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Huntington’s disease, and other chronic neurodegenerative diseases.

Thursday, 7 October 2021

"Study Reveals That CBD Reduces Blood Pressure After One Dose"

Preclinical studies show CBD has numerous cardiovascular benefits, including a reduced Blood Pressure (BP) response to stress.

The aim of this study from scientists at Nottingham University was to investigate if and how CBD reduces Blood Pressure (BP) in humans.

In June 2017, scientists at Nottingham University published the research they had conducted earlier in the year. Nine healthy male volunteers were given 600 mg of CBD or placebo in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study.

CBD was administered in a singular dose after which the research team monitored changes in blood pressure, stroke volume (the measurement of blood that is pumped from the heart’s left ventricle) and heart rate.

All of the study’s participants took part in an exercise test and another stress test using cold temperatures. This allowed researchers to measure cardiac responses under different circumstances.

Monday, 4 October 2021

"Cannabis and Breast Cancer"

"Cannabis and Breast Cancer"
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Every October, people all over the world show their support for everyone affected by breast cancer.Worldwide, breast cancer is the leading type of cancer in women, accounting for 25% of all cases. It is more common in developed countries and is more than 100 times, more common in women than in men.

Breast cancer is cancer that develops from breast tissue. Signs of breast cancer may include a lump in the breast, a change in breast shape, dimpling of the skin, fluid coming from the nipple, a newly inverted nipple, or a red or scaly patch of skin. In those with distant spread of the disease, there may be bone pain, swollen lymph nodes, shortness of breath, or yellow skin.

Patient surveys have provided important insights about how people use medical cannabis. About 42% of people diagnosed with breast cancer who completed a survey for said that they used medical cannabis products to manage breast cancer symptoms or treatment side effects. People who used medical cannabis ranged in age, cancer stage, and treatment phase, and most of them they found it to be “very” or “extremely” helpful.(75%)

Thursday, 30 September 2021

"Cannabis and Cancer"

Cancer is the holy grail of medical research and it’s the most-coveted breakthrough of our time. (and the most profitable disease). 

If we could discover a way to prevent malignant cells from effect in the human body, not only would we save millions of lives, but we would end years of suffering and, we could finally feel superior from this illness.

But, is Cannabis a way that we can achive this?

Studies, so far, show that cannabis can kill all types of cancer cells, reduce angiogenesis and prevent from metastasis
One Treatment Doesn’t Fit All...
Cancer isn’t just one thing. It’s an umbrella term for a collection of related illnesses. What unites these is the method of mayhem: cancer divides and spreads like ants at a picnic. And because it’s not just one kind of ant, we’ve developed slightly different ways to deal with each species.
Standard cancer treatment must be adapted to the type and location of tumor. When cancer infects the brain, we can’t necessarily handle it the way we would handle cancer in the stomach. Even if the same treatments would effective at stopping the cancer, the collateral damage to brain cells is just too risky.
Although human trials and solid scientific research are still a ways off, early studies indicated that cannabis might be the one truly universal way to kill cancer cells and while chemotherapy and radiation have certainly helped humanity’s battle against cancer, research into the endocannabinoid system keeps new information about how cannabis can to prevent tumors to form, spread and turn deadly.

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

"The Begining of Western Medicine"

The Begining of Western Medicine Mycannashop
Our little story begins from the Middle Ages and with two powerful and very profitable products... Opium & Oil.

In 1803 Friedrich Sertuerner  discovers an active ingredient in opium which if you dissolved in acid and then neutralizing it with ammonia result of this is... Morphine. 

Morphine was not only the first alkaloid to be extracted from opium, but the first ever alkaloid to be isolated from plant. 

In 1827 E. Merck & Company of Darmstadt, begins the commercial manufacturing of morphine for healing purposes.  It would become a dominant manufacturer of morphine, codeine and cocaine.

When we think of Bayer we think of aspirin, definitly not heroin.... but in 1895 Bayer Company of Elberfeld, finds that diluting morphine with acetyls produces a drug without the common morphine side effects and the name for this new compound... Heroin   
And where you find acetyls to produce heroin?  Where did the acetyls come from?  Well, just like today they come from petrochemicals, and sudenly all this led us to a name.... "John D. Rockefeller" the oil baron...