There are known benefits of marijuana for the treatment of numerous medical conditions such as cancer, glaucoma, HIV / AIDS and post-traumatic stress disorder.
However, with increasing use, there is a worrying increase in reports of adverse cardiovascular events after marijuana exposure.
Based on the limited published data, authors hypothesized that marijuana use would be associated with worse in-hospital results in patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI).
Few studies, however, have examined the impact of marijuana use on cardiovascular outcomes such as AMI and are limited by small sample sizes but a study aimed at quantitating long-term effects for marijuana users after AMI showed no correlation between marijuana consumption and long-term mortality in patients after AMI.
The purpose of this retrospective study is to quantify short-term outcomes in AMI patients with reported marijuana use to those with no reported marijuana use.
The researchers compared the results of AMI patients in the hospital with reported marijuana use to those who did not report marijuana use.
In total, 3,854 of 1,273,897 AMI patients reported using marijuana.
However, with increasing use, there is a worrying increase in reports of adverse cardiovascular events after marijuana exposure.
Based on the limited published data, authors hypothesized that marijuana use would be associated with worse in-hospital results in patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI).
Few studies, however, have examined the impact of marijuana use on cardiovascular outcomes such as AMI and are limited by small sample sizes but a study aimed at quantitating long-term effects for marijuana users after AMI showed no correlation between marijuana consumption and long-term mortality in patients after AMI.
The purpose of this retrospective study is to quantify short-term outcomes in AMI patients with reported marijuana use to those with no reported marijuana use.
The researchers compared the results of AMI patients in the hospital with reported marijuana use to those who did not report marijuana use.
In total, 3,854 of 1,273,897 AMI patients reported using marijuana.