Showing posts with label Immune System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immune System. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Cannabis and endocannabinoid modulators: Therapeutic promises and challenges

The discovery that botanical cannabinoids such as THC exert some of their effect through binding specific cannabinoid receptor sites,has led to the discovery of the Endocannabinoid Signaling System, which in turn has spurred research into the mechanisms of action and addiction potential of cannabis.

This paper reviews current understanding of CB1, CB2, and other possible cannabinoid receptors, their arachidonic acid derived ligands (e.g. anandamide 2 arachidonoyl glycerol), and their possible physiological roles. CB1 is heavily represented in the central nervous system, but is found in other tissues as well CB2 tends to be localized to immune cells. Activation of the endocannabinoid system can result in enhanced or dampened activity in various neural circuits depending on their own state of activation.

This suggests that one function of the endocannabinoid system may be to maintain steady state. The therapeutic action of botanical cannabis or of synthetic molecules that are agonists, antagonists, or which may otherwise modify endocannabinoid metabolism and activity indicates they may have promise as neuroprotectants, and may be of value in the treatment of certain types of pain, epilepsy, spasticity, eating disorders, inflammation, and possibly blood pressure control.

Sunday 10 May 2020

"Can Cannabis Help With Anorexia?"

Can Cannabis Help With Anorexia?" Mycannashop
Cannabinoids gaining great interest, with great focus for the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and cachexia.

And it's not secret that anorexia has proven to be notoriously difficult to treat with traditional medications...

Cannabinoids such as CBD have been shown to be compounds with multi-modal action mechanisms, with clear therapeutic potential in different medical areas and some important clues comes from 5 studies about the role of the endocannabinoid system in anorexia.

There are several clinical studies in recent years show that cannabis is an effective treatment to help people with anorexia, to gain weight again.

But while gaining weight is often the main target of success in these studies, digging into the results shows an even more important pattern: How cannabis may help relieve some of the stress and anxiety associated with psychological and emotional trauma, making it a potentially unique treatment in the field of mainstream medicine.

Thursday 23 April 2020

"Why Aging Immune Systems Are More Vulnerable to Virus & How Can You Boost Your Immunity Through Foods"?

Aging Immune Systems and  Immunity
Having a strong immunity is important in the fight against coronavirus and general all the virus.
A stronger immune system allows the body to fight diseases and viruses.

While some people can be born with a good immunity, some others must build on it.
But as we age, our immune system weakens and our capability to respond to infections gets slower. As a result maintaining a balance and following these guidelines helps create a stronger body that can sustain in the long run.
Dr. Sean X. Leng and his laboratory team at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, study the biology of healthy aging with a focus on chronic inflammation in late-life decline. The lab also studies “immunosenescence” the decline in immune function as we age. Leng’s team is interested in the relationship between immunosenescence and the basic biological and physiological changes related to aging and frailty in the human immune system.

Friday 10 April 2020

"First Evidence of Immune Response Targeting Brain Cells in Autism"

Cannabis & Autism. Mycannashop
What would you think if someone told you that if you boosted your immune system you could even prevent Autism Disorders???

Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction,communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. 

Is associated with a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Risk factors during pregnancy include certain infections, such as rubella, toxins including valproic acid, alcohol, cocainepesticideslead, and air pollutionfetal growth restriction, and autoimmune diseases.

Back in 2012 the first step was done in a mouse model study that tied the autism-related behaviors with immune changes. Several large epidemiological studies have found a correlation between viral infection during the first trimester of a mother's pregnancy and a higher risk for autism spectrum disorder in her child.

But this time researchers examine hummans brains and found that autism spectrum disorder could be an autoimmune disease.
"We haven't proved causality, but this is one clue in support of the idea that Autism might be an Autoimmune Disorder"...

Investigators typically aim potential treatments at specific pathologies in brain diseases, such as the tangles and plaques that characterize Alzheimer’s disease and the Lewy bodies seen in Parkinson’s. Researchers states that: "Until now, we didn't had a promising target like that in autism"

Monday 4 November 2019

Why Hemp is The New Superfood...?

Hemp can play a leading role in your quest for the healthiest you! 

It is an outstanding and delicious source of protein with every essential fatty acid and amino acid you need for optimum nutrition.In addition, it is packed with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, fibre and more. 

According to Hemp Foods Australia, hemp contains almost as much protein as soya beans, however, due to its protein composition, it is far more digestible.
It’s extremely high in calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc and contains next to no carbohydrates. Hemp is also one of the only known foods to contain Vitamin D3, a vitamin normally obtained from the sun.

Hemp is currently used in the production of many different types of products such as textiles and building products, however, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has recently opened up applications to permit foods derived from hemp.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

"7 Ways Your Whole Family Can Use CBD"

CBD (short for cannabidiol) is a natural, non-psychoactive compound extracted from the cannabis sativa plant.

Popular for its calming and relaxing effects, CBD is by many used as a natural remedy against stress and anxiety-related issues.

While some prefer to use it as a mere sleep-inducing helper, others reach for it when combating things such as chronic pain, nausea, inflammation, illness, and bad cardiovascular health.No matter the reason, it’s important to note that we are all different, and so what works for me might not necessarily work for you.

So, while the choices and opportunities are many, the potential benefits are for you to discover.

And so we present to you, 7 ways your whole family can use CBD.

1. Through Food - for a Healthy Gut

What better way to introduce your family to CBD than through food. Not only is it an easy and convenient way to implement a newcomer in your daily routine, but while oral consumption of CBD has a lower bioavailability than other methods (4 to 20%), it has been shown to produce longer lasting effects.
Keeping your gut healthy is key to good overall well-being, and with both our immune system and our metabolism largely depending on our gut health, it’s important to keep a note of what’s going on down there.
No matter your cooking style, there are plenty of options out there, and if you haven’t found your match yet - feel free to experiment. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover a whole new way to use CBD in the kitchen!

2. At Night - for a Sound Sleep

Another great way your household can benefit from CBD is in the late hours when the day is done and it’s time to drift off to dreamland.
CBD for sleep has shown to hold significant benefits with findings suggesting that CBD has powerful anxiolytic effects in both animals and humans. So, whether it’s pain or anxiety keeping your eyes from shutting when it’s time to call it a day, there’s a way to help those restless nights for the whole family.

3. In Stressful Situations - to Combat the Stress Symptoms

Bodies of all ages can experience the feeling of stress. In fact, chances are that your little ones might get that anxious feeling more often than you’re aware of.
According to recent studies, a whole 35% of children experience stress-related health problems. Now, this doesn’t just cover normative stress, the natural stress that gradually occurs when a child develops. In this case, we’re also talking about stress that is induced by things such as changes, replacements, and separation.
Therefore, whether it’s the youngest of the household or it’s the older segment that could use a little help shake off the everyday stress, CBD might be a solution.

4. On the Skin - as Nourishing Skin Care

The skin is your body’s largest organ and deserves just as much attention as you give the rest of your body. Made from organic and food-grade ingredients, our CBD skin care products are so pure that you can eat them. However, we’d recommend slathering them all over your body instead.
The anti-inflammatory and natural oil regulating effects in CBD skin care products will leave your skin feeling calm and moisturised, and if you or one of your loved ones suffers from a problematic skin condition, the benefits could go even further. Whether it’s diaper rash, dry skin or skin irritation you’re dealing with at home, CBD skin care could potentially help.

5. For Anxiety - in All Ages

Both stress and anxiety are natural components of our primal functions that affect bodies and minds of all ages. On the positive side, anxiety allows us to maintain healthy mental and emotional output, while on the negative side, the impact of stress and anxiety, especially if long term, can turn out to have both strange and debilitating effects on our bodies.
Luckily, a 2015 analysis suggests that CBD oil is a promising potential treatment for numerous forms of anxiety. These include things like social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

6. To Support your Endocannabinoid System

CBD works directly with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The endocannabinoid system is a vast network of receptors and cannabis-like chemicals. Together, they act like a dimmer switch, subtly increasing or diminishing activity in the body to help it return to a state of homeostasis again.
CBD is thought to boost the endocannabinoid system if it has either become depleted, or for some reason has been thrown out of balance. For that reason, CBD serves as a great tool to have to hand in case your system needs a reset.

7. As a Treat for your Fluffy Friends

If you’re a family with a pooch, you know that there’s no way that they shouldn’t be included in this list. For many, our furry friends are in fact family, and naturally, that means making sure that they have the best possible life at all times.
There is a long list of reasons why CBD for pets can be a good idea. Aside from it being a great anxiolytic and antidepressant, CBD also has the potential to treat both seizures and cases of epilepsy. On top of that, it has shown to increase both appetite and to help with nausea.
We hope this little guide has helped and given you inspiration on how to introduce CBD to your household. There are so many different ways of implementing CBD in your routines, and there’s no limit to just how creative you can be.

Friday 22 March 2019

"Hemp Oil Vs. Fish Oil"

Most of us have heard that fish oil is good for us. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids that our bodies need but can’t produce: ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosa-pentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosa-hexaenoic acid). ALA is converted to EPA and DHA in the body. 

Since they cannot be produced by the body, they need to be obtained through the consumption of foods or supplements.

Omega-3 fatty acids are important because they interact with our Endocannabinoid System, the regulatory system within our bodies known to bring us back to homeostasis (a.k.a. balance). They support many bodily functions and boost immunity as well. Deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to multiple health issues such as heart disease, mental illness, and arthritis.
Although there is enough evidence proving that the human body may benefit from the Omegas in fish oil, there is another option: