Teagan Appleby, from Aylesham, Kent, was born with the rare chromosome disorder isodicentric chromosome 15 syndrome, which led to her being diagnosed with severe Lennox Gastaut Syndrome epilepsy when she was just four years old.
The youngster's condition became so bad she was unable to eat and even had to be put in a medically-induced coma after she had five seizures over eight days last summer.
After having one of the worst cases of epilepsy her doctors have ever seen, Teagan has only had seizures while asleep, and none while awake, since she started taking cannabis oil in July.
Teagan's mother Emma Appleby, 35, claims she was forced to call for an ambulance at least once a week before her daughter started taking cannabis oil.
Speaking before, Ms Appleby said: 'It just got really bad, very quickly. She seizures every day and she can seizure up to 300 times a day.
'She's lost all of her skills – she didn't have many because she's been delayed anyway.
'Before she had epilepsy she could run around in the garden and feed herself but now she is completely dependent on someone to look after her.