Thursday, 23 April 2020

"Why Aging Immune Systems Are More Vulnerable to Virus & How Can You Boost Your Immunity Through Foods"?

Aging Immune Systems and  Immunity
Having a strong immunity is important in the fight against coronavirus and general all the virus.
A stronger immune system allows the body to fight diseases and viruses.

While some people can be born with a good immunity, some others must build on it.
But as we age, our immune system weakens and our capability to respond to infections gets slower. As a result maintaining a balance and following these guidelines helps create a stronger body that can sustain in the long run.
Dr. Sean X. Leng and his laboratory team at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, study the biology of healthy aging with a focus on chronic inflammation in late-life decline. The lab also studies “immunosenescence” the decline in immune function as we age. Leng’s team is interested in the relationship between immunosenescence and the basic biological and physiological changes related to aging and frailty in the human immune system.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

"Omega Fatty Acids Can Fight Inflammation via Cannabinoids"

Omega Fatty Acids  Inflammation via Cannabinoids Mycannashop
Cannabinoids are found in cannabis plant and also are produced naturally from our body (Endocannabinoids) from the omega fatty acids (-3, -6, -9).

We know that omega-3 acids are useful to the ECS 
for two reasons.
A, it helps the cannabinoid receptors to be more active.
B, those omega-3s and phospholipids are used as backbone structures to produce cannabinoids in the body.

We also know that Omegas they have anti-inflammatory benefits but a study reveals the cascade of chemical reactions that converts omega-3 fatty acids into endocannabinoids...

"Cannabis oil or foods such as meat, eggs, fish and nuts contain omega-3,-6,-9 fatty acids, which the body converts into endocannabinoids: said Aditi Das, a University of Illinois professor of comparative biosciences and biochemistry, who led the study. 

"Cannabinoids in Cannabis plant and endocannabinoids produced in the body can support the body's immune system and therefore are attractive targets for the development of anti-inflammatory therapeutics" she said.

Friday, 10 April 2020

"First Evidence of Immune Response Targeting Brain Cells in Autism"

Cannabis & Autism. Mycannashop
What would you think if someone told you that if you boosted your immune system you could even prevent Autism Disorders???

Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction,communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. 

Is associated with a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Risk factors during pregnancy include certain infections, such as rubella, toxins including valproic acid, alcohol, cocainepesticideslead, and air pollutionfetal growth restriction, and autoimmune diseases.

Back in 2012 the first step was done in a mouse model study that tied the autism-related behaviors with immune changes. Several large epidemiological studies have found a correlation between viral infection during the first trimester of a mother's pregnancy and a higher risk for autism spectrum disorder in her child.

But this time researchers examine hummans brains and found that autism spectrum disorder could be an autoimmune disease.
"We haven't proved causality, but this is one clue in support of the idea that Autism might be an Autoimmune Disorder"...

Investigators typically aim potential treatments at specific pathologies in brain diseases, such as the tangles and plaques that characterize Alzheimer’s disease and the Lewy bodies seen in Parkinson’s. Researchers states that: "Until now, we didn't had a promising target like that in autism"

Thursday, 9 April 2020

"Charlotte Figi, the girl who inspired the CBD movement"

Charlotte Figi began taking oil from the marijuana plant, "Hippie’s Disappointment," which contained low THC and later named "Charlotte's" thanks to Charlotte.

Charlotte Figi was the inspiration for "Charlotte’s Web" products by Stanley Brothers.

Unfortunately, Charlotte has passed away on April 7, 2020,from COVID 19 at the age of 13.According to reports, she had tested positive  and went to the hospital. 

She was discharged from the hospital on Sunday, after her condition seemed to improve. She suffered a seizure Tuesday morning resulting in respiratory failure and cardiac arrest, however, and she was taken back to the hospital, where she was treated “as a likely COVID-19 case.” Figi said seizures commonly occur along with illnesses in children like Charlotte with Dravet syndrome.

A family friend posted on Facebook:
“Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever.” The family has requested privacy.

Stanley brothers wrote:
"What began as her story, became the shared story of hundreds of thousands, and the inspiration of many millions more in the journey of their betterment. Charlotte was and will be, the heartbeat of our passion, and the conviction that the dignity and health of a human being is their right.”

Her story changed the way the public perceives marijuana and while the use of medical marijuana was illegal in many states and countries, news of Figi’s success spread and families with Dravet Syndrom diagnoses started moving to Colorado Springs.This movement was so large,that families started to had a name for themselves: "Marijuana Refugees".

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

"CBD Oil and Pregnancy: Safety & Efficacy For Maternity"

CBD Oil and Pregnancy Mycannashop
Pregnancy can be both a beautiful and uncomfortable experience.

Many expecting mothers experience cramping, insomnia, anxiety, morning sickness, and many more symptoms throughout the course of their pregnancy.
One of the newer and more exciting health supplements to hit the market recently that’s been shown to support many of these symptoms is CBD Oil.

This oil is made from one of the active compounds in the hemp plant known as cannabidiol (CBD).
In a previοus article we talk about endocannabinoids and that their role is so crucial that they effect all the major stages of our lives from conception, embryo implantation, birth to the early days of our lives, so let's see what is CBD oil, how do you take it, and what effects can it have during your pregnancy? 

What is CBD Oil and Is It Safe During Pregnancy?

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of many different compounds found in the cannabis plant. The chemical structure of CBD is unique in that it closely resembles some of the hormones produced by our body known as the endocannabinoids.
The similarities in the structure of CBD to these hormones allows CBD to interact with the endocannabinoid system — made up of a series of receptors around the human body. This system has many uses but the most important is its role in regulating homeostasis (balance).
This ability to interact with regulatory systems like the endocannabinoid system is what gives CBD so many health benefits. Instead of working through just one organ, it’s able to interact with organs all around the body.