Showing posts with label CBD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CBD. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 July 2020

"CBD and Schizophrenia Safety and Effectiveness"

Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by continuous or relapsing episodes of psychosis.

Major symptoms include hallucinations, delusions and disorganized thinking. Other symptoms include social withdrawal, decreased emotional expression, and lack of motivation.

Cannabis and mental health are strongly linked.Cannabis helps support health across various facets of mind, brain and body. But there is no end to the wellness advantages it can offer.Cannabis can assist with mental health, help clear your mind, and alleviate depression.It will help you concentrate, and open up a whole fresh realm of energy and liveliness.

The two most abundant cannabinoids in Cannabis are THC and CBD. Different forms of cannabis vary in the relative proportions of THC and CBD, and the risk of psychotic symptoms and impaired cognitive functioning following cannabis use is lower with cannabis preparations that have a relatively high CBD content.

The aim of the present study was to explore the safety and effectiveness of CBD as an adjunctive treatment in schizophrenia. Researchers examined the effects of CBD on positive and negative psychotic symptoms, cognitive performance, level of functioning, and the treating psychiatrist’s overall clinical impression.

Thursday 2 July 2020

"Medical Cannabis Treatment in Autism: Analysis of Safety and Efficacy"

"Medical Cannabis Treatment in Autism: Analysis of Safety and Efficacy" mycannashop
There has been a dramatic increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) worldwide. 

Recently anecdotal evidence of possible therapeutic effects of cannabis products has emerged. 

The aim of this study is to characterize the epidemiology of ASD patients receiving medical cannabis treatment and to describe its safety and efficacy. 

Researchers analyse the data prospectively collected as part of the treatment program of 188 ASD patients treated with medical cannabis between 2015 and 2017. The treatment in majority of the patients was based on cannabis oil containing 30% CBD and 1.5% THC.

The Study...

During the study period, 188 ASD patients initiated the treatment. Diagnosis of ASD was established in accordance with the accepted practice in Israel. 6 board certified paediatric psychiatrists and neurologists were responsible for treatment of 125 patients (80.6%), the remaining 30 children were referred by 22 other physicians.

Friday 26 June 2020


studies on CBD and Covid-19. Mycannashop
In a previeus article we had speak about cannabis terpens against Covid-19. Now we examine the first study of that article to understand better, not only, the way CBD can help us with viruses but how CBD act with our bodies for a better health.Lets say that this is another litle pice of the puzzle...

Researchers at the University of Lethbridge say while clinical trials still need to be done, data they’ve been collecting over the past four years shows promise that some cannabis extracts may help in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

The researchers of this study, Olga and Igor Kovalchuk have been working with cannabis since 2015, using varieties from around the world to create new hybrids and develop extracts that demonstrate certain therapeutic properties.

"When COVID-19 started, Olga had the idea to revisit our data, and see if we can utilize it for COVID.We were totally stunned at first, and then we were really happy," says Olga.
"It was like a joker card, you know, coronavirus. It just mixes up everybody’s plans," says Olga.

Friday 12 June 2020

"CBD Oil for Peripheral Neuropathy"

CBD Oil for Peripheral Neuropathy mycannashop
Neuropathy can affect your overall wellbeing and quality of life. It involves an intense pain that is challenging to manage because it affects the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. 
Patients suffering from neuropathy often use opioids pain medications. Although these medications can be useful in reducing pain, they pose the risk of overdose, addiction, and abuse.
Due to this, most people look for alternative treatments.
CBD is becoming a preferred alternative remedy for patients with neuropathy. This is because its the non-psychoactive component of marijuana that has numerous health benefits. CBD doesn’t produce any side effects and is an appropriate option for patients.
What is Peripheral Neuropathy?
Understanding what Peripheral neuropathy means is important to appreciating the possible remedy that CBD oil brings to the victims. It is a medical disorder that occurs when there is damage to the nerves that link the other body parts such as skin and muscles to the spinal cord and the brain. Damage to these nerves interferes with communication between other parts of the body and the brain. Besides, it reduces sensation in the legs and arms, affects movement and causes pain.
However, the dose matters when it comes to neuropathic pain, and it is crucial to start with small doses and examine their impact on your body before increasing the quantity. Once you get a preferred dosage, stick to it.

Sunday 10 May 2020

"Can Cannabis Help With Anorexia?"

Can Cannabis Help With Anorexia?" Mycannashop
Cannabinoids gaining great interest, with great focus for the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and cachexia.

And it's not secret that anorexia has proven to be notoriously difficult to treat with traditional medications...

Cannabinoids such as CBD have been shown to be compounds with multi-modal action mechanisms, with clear therapeutic potential in different medical areas and some important clues comes from 5 studies about the role of the endocannabinoid system in anorexia.

There are several clinical studies in recent years show that cannabis is an effective treatment to help people with anorexia, to gain weight again.

But while gaining weight is often the main target of success in these studies, digging into the results shows an even more important pattern: How cannabis may help relieve some of the stress and anxiety associated with psychological and emotional trauma, making it a potentially unique treatment in the field of mainstream medicine.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

"CBD Oil and Pregnancy: Safety & Efficacy For Maternity"

CBD Oil and Pregnancy Mycannashop
Pregnancy can be both a beautiful and uncomfortable experience.

Many expecting mothers experience cramping, insomnia, anxiety, morning sickness, and many more symptoms throughout the course of their pregnancy.
One of the newer and more exciting health supplements to hit the market recently that’s been shown to support many of these symptoms is CBD Oil.

This oil is made from one of the active compounds in the hemp plant known as cannabidiol (CBD).
In a previοus article we talk about endocannabinoids and that their role is so crucial that they effect all the major stages of our lives from conception, embryo implantation, birth to the early days of our lives, so let's see what is CBD oil, how do you take it, and what effects can it have during your pregnancy? 

What is CBD Oil and Is It Safe During Pregnancy?

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of many different compounds found in the cannabis plant. The chemical structure of CBD is unique in that it closely resembles some of the hormones produced by our body known as the endocannabinoids.
The similarities in the structure of CBD to these hormones allows CBD to interact with the endocannabinoid system — made up of a series of receptors around the human body. This system has many uses but the most important is its role in regulating homeostasis (balance).
This ability to interact with regulatory systems like the endocannabinoid system is what gives CBD so many health benefits. Instead of working through just one organ, it’s able to interact with organs all around the body.

Thursday 26 March 2020

"Should You Use Cannabis to Prevent Illnesses"???

Did you know that we could target in the ECS to prevent illness and maintain better health?
Our bodies consist of many unique physiologic systems whose sole purpose is to maintain an internal balance called homeostasis. 

We know the pancreas releases insulin to balance glucose levels between the bloodstream and cells. The thyroid gland releases thyroid hormone, which regulates vital bodily functions related to metabolism, body temperature and much more. Acctually our bodies are working constantly to stay balanced in response to our external environment.

The "Endocannabinoid System" (ECS)...

In the quest to understand how THC causes its intoxicating effects, scientists discovered that we have yet another regulatory physiologic system, called "Endocannabinoid System" (ECS) whose role is to maintain bodily homeostasis & biological harmony. Acctualy the ECS  is the most widespread receptor system in the human body and has been described as being protective and necessary for life.

Sunday 10 November 2019

"CBD & Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome"

Patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, a rare, severe form of epileptic encephalopathy, are frequently treatment resistant to available medications. 

Until now there are few controlled studies that have investigated the use of cannabidiol for patients with seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

But in this study, which was published on March 17,2018 in the Lancet Jurnals, the reserchers assessed the efficacy and safety of cannabidiol as an add-on anticonvulsant therapy in this population of patients.

 The study...

In 24 clinical sites in the USA, the Netherlands, and Poland, reserchers investigated the efficacy of cannabidiol as add-on therapy for drop seizures in patients with treatment-resistant Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.All patients had Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, including a history of slow spike-and-wave patterns on electroencephalogram, evidence of more than one type of generalised seizure for at least 6 months, at least two drop seizures per week during the 4-week baseline period, and had not responded to treatment with at least two antiepileptic drugs.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Can Medical Marijuana’s Chemicals May Protect Cells???

As more countries legalize Cannabis treatment, scientists are learning how the plant's chemicals may help conditions ranging from brain injuries to cancer.

They might protect the brain from the effects of trauma, ease the spasms of multiple sclerosis and reduce epileptic seizures. 

Further preliminary work indicates that the chemicals may slow the growth of tumors and reduce brain damage in Alzheimer's disease.

-After inducing human breast cancer tumors in mice, researchers in the U.K. found they could shrink the tumors by administering THC. The chemical may disrupt cancer cell growth as it binds to CB2 receptors, which are much more abundant on cancer cells than on healthy ones. 

-Taken together, CBD & THC are promising agents for inhibiting breast cancer progression.By influencing the tumor microenvironment and the immune system,they are able to reduce inflammation, inhibit tumor cell growth, induce apoptosis, and cause autophagy

-At the University of South Carolina, a team discovered that THC could reduce the inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases by suppressing the activity of certain genes involved in the immune response.

-And at the University of South Florida, researchers working with cells in a lab showed that extremely low concentrations of THC could reduce production of beta amyloid, the protein that forms the plaque abundant in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. 

(This article was originally published with the title "Marijuana's Medical Future" in Scientific American 312, 2, 32-34 (February 2015)


Friday 6 September 2019

"I Tried Medical Cannabis During Chemo, and Here’s What Happened"

Health and wellness touch everyone’s life differently. This is one person’s story.
At the age of 23, my world was completely flipped upside down. Just 36 days before I was planning to walk down the aisle, I was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer.
Before receiving my diagnosis, I was a fitness social media influencer, with a YouTube channeland Instagram account that chronicled my fitness regimen and my journey to my first National Physique Committee competition. How could a very healthy and active 23-year-old woman’s world flip upside down in a matter of seconds like this?

Monday 26 August 2019

Raphael Mechoulam on Medical Cannabis “Why Did We Have to Wait 35 Years?”

Raphael Mechoulam Mycannashop
Decades before legislators in Colorado or California even began to consider medical marijuana, Raphael Mechoulam was investigating the biochemistry and pharmacology of cannabis-derived compounds, and urging the global medical community to shed their preconceptions about this plant, and to take it seriously as a source of safe and effective medicines.

In the early 1960sRaphael Melcoulam & his team became the first who isolate, characterize, and synthesize THC,one of the main psychoactive compounds produced by cannabis.

His subsequent work included the discovery of endogenously produced cannabinoids and the characterization of the endocannabinoid receptor system within the human central nervous system and peripheral tissues.

Dr. Mechoulam is currently a professor of medicinal chemistry and natural products at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His total synthesis of THC, as well as other cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD), is the cornerstone of the burgeoning medical-cannabis industry. Furthermore, his major contributions in the field of organic chemistry and the interaction of human and plant biology have led to the discovery of cannabinoid receptors in the human brain and the endocannabinoid system in the human body.
Dr. Mechoulam was kind enough to give his time for an exclusive interview with Holistic Primary Care’s cannabis correspondent, Laura Lagano.

Lagano, an integrative clinical nutritionist and co-founder of the Holistic Cannabis Academy, got Mechoulam to share his views on the current state of medical cannabis research and the appropriate clinical applications of cannabis-derived compounds.

Here are excerpts from their conversation:

Monday 19 August 2019

Study Confirms CBD May Have Antipsychotic Effect in High-Risk Individuals

Cannabis extract helps reset brain function in psychosis. In a 2018
Researcher from King’s College London found that a single dose of the cannabis extract cannabidiol can help reduce brain function abnormalities seen in people with psychosis. 

Results from a new MRC-funded trial, published in JAMA Psychiatry, provide the first evidence of how cannabidiol acts in the brain to reduce psychotic symptoms.
Cannabidiol, also referred to as CBD, is a non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis. A purified form of cannabidiol has recently been licensed in the USA as a treatment for rare childhood epilepsies, and a 2017 King’s College London trial has demonstrated cannabidiol has anti-psychotic properties. However, exactly how cannabidiol may work in the brain to alleviate psychosis has remained a mystery.
“The mainstay of current treatment for people with psychosis are drugs that were first discovered in the 1950s and unfortunately do not work for everyone,” says Dr. Sagnik Bhattacharyya, from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN). “Our results have started unravelling the brain mechanisms of a new drug that works in a completely different way to traditional anti-psychotics.”

Saturday 27 July 2019

"Can CBD help With Neuroinflammation"

Neuroinflammation is an inflammatory condition of the brain, in which glial cells,namely,astrocytes 
and microglia,the resident macrophages of the brain, are involved along with blood-borne cells. 

Although in the past glial activation in neuroinflammation has been considered detrimental to the brain in general, currently the reparative/ protective aspects are being recognized. 

Cannabinoids, whether plant derived or endogenous  affect different glial functions. 

Importantly, glial cells are endowed with several, if not all, of the elements of the endocannabinoid system, and therefore are sensitive to cannabinoids and at the same time are a source of endocannabinoids. 

There appears to be general agreement that cannabinoids reduce the synthesis, production, and release of cytotoxic molecules such as proinflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide

On the other hand, these agents modify microglial cell migration in such a way that the result is usually beneficial in resolving neuroinflammation or limiting ensuing neurodegeneration.

Sunday 21 July 2019

"CBD is a Powerful New Antibiotic"

New research published by the American Society for Microbiology has found that CBD is active against Gram-positive bacteria, including those responsible for many serious infections (such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae), with potency similar to that of established antibiotics such as vancomycin or daptomycin.

The research is presented at ASM Microbe, the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

The project was co-funded by Botanix and Innovation Connections, an Australian government grant scheme to commercialize new products, processes and services. The paper will be presented on Sunday June 23rd from 11am-1 pm at the annual conference of the American Society for Microbiology, ASM Microbe 2019, at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco.

CBD, the main non-psychoactive chemical compound extracted from cannabis and hemp plants, has been approved by FDA for the treatment of a form of epilepsy, and is being investigated for a number of other medical conditions, including, anxiety, pain and inflammation. While there is limited data to suggest Cannabidiol can kill bacteria, the drug has not been thoroughly investigated for its potential as an antibiotic.

Work led by Dr Mark Blaskovich at The University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience’s Centre for Superbug Solutions, in collaboration with Botanix Pharmaceuticals Ltd, an early stage drug discovery company investigating topical uses of synthetic cannabidiol for a range of skin conditions, found that "Cannabidiol was remarkably effective at killing a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria, including bacteria that have become resistant to other antibiotics, and did not lose effectiveness after extended treatment."

“Given cannabidiol’s documented anti-inflammatory effects, existing safety data in humans, and potential for varied delivery routes, it is a promising new antibiotic worth further investigation,” said Dr. Blaskovich.

“The combination of inherent antimicrobial activity and potential to reduce damage caused by the inflammatory response to infections is particularly attractive.”

Importantly, the drug retained its activity against bacteria that have become highly resistant to other common antibiotics. Under extended exposure conditions that lead to resistance against vancomycin or daptomycin, Cannabidiol did not lose effectiveness.Cannabidiol was also effective at disrupting biofilms, a physical form of bacteria growth that leads to difficult-to-treat infections.

Saturday 20 July 2019

"5 Ways CBD Can Improve Your Digestive System" by CBDfx

By now, many of us are aware of the fact that CBD has an abundance of health properties that benefit the body and mind
This amazing plant-based compound is renowned for its positive effects on sleep, mood, and pain.
One of the lesser known benefits of CBD is its amazing ability to improve the digestive system.  It seems that CBD is capable of treating an enormous range of ailments that can affect the digestive tract.  From nausea to irritable bowel disease, hemp seems to be able to do it all.
If you suffer from a digestive ailment, this article is for you.  We’re going to delve into how CBD interacts with your digestive system so you can fully understand this plant-based compound and its unique ability to address underlying issues and alleviate symptoms.
-How The Digestive System Works
The digestive system is responsible for taking in food in order to turn it into nutrients that help maintain the body’s overall health.  What the body doesn’t need is turned into waste that exits the body.
The digestive tract runs along the body, starting at the mouth and ending at the anus.  Many people don’t realize just how much energy their body uses in order to digest food on a daily basis.  Many organs play a role in digestion, helping to break down nutrients and enzymes while passing food through the body.
Because of how crucial the digestive system is to a person’s overall health, a digestive disease or disorder can result in serious health-related consequences.  Because of how enormous the digestive system is, there is a huge variety of ailments that can occur along the digestive tract.
Recent studies on digestive system issues suggest that our mood can be greatly affected by the state of our digestive tract.  Now, medical researchers believe that dietary and digestive issues can result in mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.
-Medication for the Digestive System
With so many different types of digestive ailments out there, there are countless medications that a person can take in order to improve their digestive system.  The problem is that many medications are known for their side effects.
If you wish to treat your digestive issues naturally, it might be time to look into CBD.  This plant-based compound has the unique ability to supply the body with what it needs in order to address the underlying cause of the ailment.  Plus, it’s widely considered to be safe and non-addictive.
-Is CBD Good for the Digestive System?
Thanks to an abundance of recent studies, medical researchers believe that CBD benefits the digestive system in many ways.  Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can relieve inflammation along the digestive tract.  Many health experts believe that chronic inflammation is the leading cause of several different chronic digestive issues such as colitis, irritable bowel disease, and leaky gut syndrome.
Also, the digestive tract has CB1 and CB2 receptors.  These receptors interact with cannabinoids in order to produce chemical reactions that result in healing.  The body has an endocannabinoid system that should be able to produce cannabinoids on its own.  However, many of us are deficient in cannabinoids due to a variety of factors.  CBD helps supply the body with the cannabinoids that it needs in order to keep the digestive system running smoothly.
-CBD and Your Stomach
If you wish to take CBD for the digestive system, you can rest assured that this plant-based compound is very easy on the stomach.  While many herbs and other natural medicines can cause stomach cramps and painful gas, cannabis has a soothing effect on the entire digestive tract.

1-Relief from Symptoms of Inflammatory Digestive Disorders

CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory, meaning it can dramatically reduce inflammation throughout the body.  When consumed, it can reduce swelling and pain that exists along the digestive tract.  If you suffer from an inflammatory disease like irritable bowel syndrome, CBD might be able to help on a profound level.
CBD lowers inflammation by improving the immune system’s response to what it perceives as an injury or threat.  It attaches itself to CB1 and CB2 receptors along the digestive tract in order to boost the functionality of the area while lowering the amount of white blood cells that are in the area.
2-Relief from Nausea, Vomiting, and Poor Appetite
CBD is a powerful anti-nausea agent that can decrease instances of vomiting while improving one’s appetite.  It acts as an antispasmodic, reducing the number of spasms along the digestive tract that can make a person feel nauseous.  It has a calming effect on the esophagus, lowering the chances of vomiting after consuming food.
3-Relief from Painful Gas
Because CBD has a calming effect on the digestive tract, it can reduce discomfort caused by excessive gas.  This means that CBD is also capable of lowering bloating along the intestinal tract.
4-Relief from Stress
By now, most of us are aware of the connection between chronic stress and digestive discomfort.  If you suffer from chronic stress or anxiety, your body is producing a lot of cortisol, a hormone that can cause a host of digestive ailments if secreted in large amounts.
CBD is known for its ability to lower cortisol levels, resulting in a calmer mind.  If stress is giving you digestive troubles, reach for CBD in order to enjoy its cortisol-busting effects.
5-Relief from General Pain
CBD has an impressively high level of analgesic activity, meaning that it can lower pain quickly and effectively by blocking the brain’s ability to receive pain signals from the nervous system.  If you’re dealing with severe pain along the digestive tract, CBD can provide you with the relief that you deserve.
-How to Take CBD for Your Digestive System
Before you purchase any old CBD product that you come across, it’s crucial that you do some research in order to fully grasp the range of products that are out there.  We also suggest that you speak to a doctor before treating your digestive issues with CBD.
Many people are confused when it comes to how much CBD they should take in order to address their unique symptoms.  The good news is that CBD is nontoxic, meaning that you can feel free to play around with your dose.  However, taking too much CBD at once can make you feel sleepy.  Therefore, try taking it before bedtime in order to monitor its effects.
It’s also important to keep in mind that CBD will not make you feel high.  It comes from the hemp plant, a member of the cannabis family.  Marijuana also belongs to the cannabis family.  However, unlike marijuana, hemp does not possess any psychoactive activity.
CBD Products for the Digestive System
-CBD Gummies with Turmeric & Spirulina
The CBD Gummies with Turmeric & Spirulina are extremely popular among those who wish to treat their digestive issues with hemp.  These gummy candies taste great and are packed with nutrients that your body needs.  In addition to gut-healing CBD, these gummies have turmeric, a potent anti-inflammatory that can soothe the digestive tract quickly and effectively.  Plus, they’re made with only plant-based ingredients.
-CBD Hemp Capsules
The CBD Hemp Capsules can be taken daily with or without food.  They’re made with only plant-based ingredients and won’t irritate your stomach.  These capsules are excellent for those who have digestive issues because of the way in which they move through the digestive tract, providing relief every step along the way.
The Benefits Are Evident for an Upset Stomach
The next time your stomach is feeling upset, reach for some high-quality CBD.  This natural compound has what it takes to leave you feeling your very best.

Sunday 14 July 2019

"CBD & Asthma"

Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.
For some people, it can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack.

Asthma can't be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. Because asthma often changes over time, it's important that you work with your doctor to track your signs and symptoms and adjust treatment as needed so lets see how can CBD help with asthma 

-4 Studies About CBD & Asthma

-Ιn 2015 the Department of Neurosciences of the University of São Paulo and the Laboratory of Experimental Physiopathology they studied the role of CBD Treatment in Animal Model of Asthma.

Researchers found that the treatment with CBD in a model of acute lung injury induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) decreased total lung resistance and elastance and improved several markers of inflammation. The protective effects of CBD upon lung inflammation were demonstrated in several different models.

Saturday 13 July 2019

"Cannabis & Bipolar Disorder"

Bipolar disorder
 (BD) is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. The types of BD and all of them involve clear changes in mood, energy, and activity levels. 

These moods range from periods of extremely “up,” elated, and energized behavior (known as manic episodes) to very sad, “down,” or hopeless periods (known as depressive episodes). Less severe manic periods are known as hypomanic episodes.
How Cannabis Can Be an Effective Treatment for Bipolar Disorder...? 

Studies supporting the use of medical cannabis for Bipolar Disorder and that can help you manage your symptoms with the right treatment plan, but let's see what the studies say...

Tuesday 9 July 2019

"Can CBD Help You to Quit Smoking"?

CBD oil is becoming well-known for its potential in  the treatment of a wide variety of health conditions and addictions. 

When it comes to cigarettes, many smokers are triggered by stressful situations as they start to quit smoking... 

Nicotine like other addictive drugs, forms a physical dependence by reprogramming the synaptic receptors in the brain. The nicotine molecule causes a surge of dopamine in the reward centers of the brain, leading to a sense of euphoria.

However, over time the molecule changes the dopamine and other neurochemical receptors to only accept nicotine, meaning consuming the drug is the only way to release dopamine.

When a tobacco user tries to quit, the brain can no longer make the same amount of dopamine. This leads to withdrawal symptoms, the list of which is long and includes: anxiety, depression, weight gain, headaches, problems concentrating, drowsiness or trouble sleeping, and feeling tense, restless, or irritable.

Monday 8 July 2019

'I smuggled cannabis oil to help my son'

Former police officer Lisa Quarrell never imagined she would break the law - but this year she began smuggling a cannabis product into Scotland.
Lisa, from East Kilbride, travelled to the Netherlands to bring back a medical cannabis oil to give to her six-year-old son Cole, who has severe epilepsy.
Cole has had brain surgery and tried many anti-epileptic drugs, but nothing was helping his seizures.Lisa has spent thousands of pounds to bring the drug back illegally.She told BBC Disclosure: "I'd sell my house. I would. I can't let him get sicker. I need to get him better. There's nothing else for it."
But now her smuggling days could be behind her after Cole was prescribed cannabis oil legally by a private London hospital.Lisa, left policing five years ago to look after Cole, who was diagnosed with severe epilepsy as a baby.
A bad day for Cole could mean up to 16 seizures, most of which would happen at night.She said: "He'll convulse, he'll click in his mouth, his eyes will roll back, he'll drop to the floor with no notice.It's the most heart-breaking thing to watch. Two-and-a-half minutes has never felt so long as when you're watching your child take a seizure."
"Cole had never had a dream because he didn't get to sleep long enough or deep enough to ever have a dream."

Sunday 23 June 2019

"Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

The purpose of the current review is to determine CBD’s potential as a treatment for anxiety-related disorders, by assessing evidence from preclinical, 
human experimental, clinical, and epidemiological studies. 

This review emphasizes the potential value and need for further study of CBD in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Fear and anxiety are adaptive responses essential to coping with threats to survival. Yet excessive or persistent fear may be maladaptive, leading to disability. Symptoms arising from excessive fear and anxiety occur in a number of neuropsychiatric disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), and obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD).

Notably, PTSD and OCD are no longer classified as anxiety disorders in the recent revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, however, excessive anxiety is central to the symptomatology of both disorders. These anxiety-related disorders are associated with a diminished sense of well-being, elevated rates of unemployment and relationship breakdown, and elevated suicide risk